Three famous world leader who falls, according to the leadership’s styles identified by the Kurt Lewin.


Autocratic Leadership style:-

Osama Bin Ladin tunnel is that he was stopped before he had the chance to truly actualize his plans that said, those plans that he did enact were abominations, and he did manage to orchestrate the biggest terror attack on American soil lighting the path for other extremist organisations.
 Osama founded al Qaeda in 1988. Al Qaeda is a radical Islamic group who've sought terror across the globe. To put it simply al Qaeda wants to create a Muslim affiliate for foreign influence and believes that Jews and Christians are plotting together to destroy Islam. In order to stop this al Qaeda wants to attack the West and other ethnicities that disagree with that ideology masterminded by Osama. They were behind the 1998 US Embassy attacks, the 2001 911 attacks and the 2002 Bali bombings. Now the death toll as a result of Assad's control and Al Qaeda is actually quite small, ultimately calculating to around 10,000 people. However, attacks have been largely targeted at civilians, which is undoubtedly cruel.

laissez faire leadership style  
          Be the change that you wish to see in the world. These are very powerful words spoken by a very powerful leader. I had the privilege of researching Mahatma Gandhi and taking a look into his leadership styles. And I found that it takes certain types of characteristics in a person for them to become a successful leader. Gandhi held the trait most of all of being a humble person. He did not look for recognition for what he did, politically, or for any of the people. The only thing that he had in mind and the vision that he had, was to help the people of India to lead them through a revolution against Britain to regain independence and freedom. Not only with Gandhi, a humble individual, but he was also extremely empowering. He empowered the people of India in many ways. First, he let them know that he was one of them. He was for the people because he was one of the people, he voluntarily put himself into poverty, so that he could know what it's like to live as one of the Indian people by making his own clothes living on a dirt floor. He chose to live that way, so that they could in turn, trust him. garni was also able to connect with the people. In doing this, he listened to suggestions. He never wrote anyone off that their idea was never good enough. But he helped their ideas and let them impact his greater plan.

Through all of Gandhi's political upheaval, he remained calm, and always spoke in a low tone. He was always able to connect with the people around him. And this is what led him to be extremely transformational. Gandhi had a vision for the people and for the country of India. And not only did he allow for political change to happen, but he did so in a non violent manner. The fact that he did things in a non violent way, is something that has led Gandhi to still go down in history. He cared so much for the people that he let them know that he was one of them. Gandhi was a powerful leader. He had a vision, and he knew what he wanted and he knew what he saw. He made it happen because he empowered the people and he gained their trust. This is what it takes to be Laissez-faire leader.

 Democratic leadership Style

The truth is, our energy problem has become an energy crisis because no matter how well intentioned the promise, no matter how bold the proposal, they all fall victim to the same Washington politics, that has only become more divided and more designs more timid and more calculating, and more beholden to the powerful interests that have the biggest stake in the status quo. There are some in this race for the presidency who actually make the argument that the more time you spend immersed in the broken politics of Washington, the more likely you are to change it. Now, Obama find this a little amusing. Obama know the change makes for good campaign rhetoric, the word change on a bumper sticker, but when the same people actually had a chance to make change happen, they didn't leave. When they had the chance to stand up and require automakers to raise their fuel standards. They refused. When they had multiple chances to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by investing in renewable fuels that we can literally grow right here in America. They said no. Obama know that some of these policies are difficult. Politically, they aren't easy. But being president united states isn't about doing what's easy. It's about doing what's hard. It's about doing what's right. Leadership isn't about telling people what they want to hear. It's about telling the American people what they need to hear. When Obama arrived in the United States Senate, Obama wanted to do whatever Obama could to make real progress towards energy independence. So obama reached across the aisle to pass a law that will give more Americans the chance to fill up their cars. With clean biofuels. Obama passed a law that will fuel the research needed to develop a car that will get 500 miles to the gallon. obama voted for an energy bill that was far from perfect, because Obama was able to ensure that it contained some real investment in renewable sources of energy. And Obama fought to eliminate the tax giveaways to oil companies that were slipped into that bill. Oil companies that have spent half a billion dollars lobbying Congress in the last 10 years, while their profits have risen to record highs. And Obama did something else. Obama knew that America hadn't raised the fuel standard for our cars in 20 years. Even though we had the technology on the shelf, even though Japanese car companies that make more fuel efficient cars are running circles around our own car companies, even though we send hundreds of millions of dollars a day to some of the world's most dangerous regimes for their oil. So Obama decided to try something new. Obama reached across the aisle to come up with a plan to raise our fuel standards that won the support of lawmakers who had never supported raising fuel standards before. Moreover, Obama didn't just give a speech about it in front of some environmental group in California, Obama went to Detroit. And Obama stood in front of a group of automakers. And Obama told them that when Obama  president, there will be no more excuses. They will help them retool their factories, but they will have to make their cars use less oil. Now, Obama have to admit that the room was really quiet after this speech. But Obama said what Obama did because Obama believe America has had enough of politicians who just tell everyone what's easy. They have to tell people the truth. And the truth is we can't afford to let the same old politics stand in the way of our future anymore.

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